By: Jun Defensor

CDA Chairman Emmanuel M. Santiaguel initiated the activity for the strengthening of federations and unions as the agency conducted the conference on February 27-28, 2014 at Crowne Regency Hotel, Makati City.   CDA Chair believes that the stronger federations and unions can partner with the agency in the implementation  of  programs and projects.   In his message, he encouraged all federations and unions to embed in their plans and programs  not only the Cooperative Philippine Medium Term Plan (CPMTP) but as well as the International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) Blueprint and Vision of 2020.  Chair Santiaguel emhasized that the following areas should to be looked into as guide for cooperatives:

  1. Cooperative governance and members participation;
  2. Sustainability of coperatives;
  3. Cooperative Identity;
  4. Legal framework for cooperative growth
  5. Cooperative capital and member control

Chair Santiaguel also challenged the Philippine Cooperative Center to work towards becoming an apex organization of cooperatives.

To summarize, the issues and concerns of federations and union revolved on the need for: 1)  Appropriate structure to depict the strengthened roles of federations and unions; 2)  CDA issuances and circulars affecting federations and unions; 3)  Development of Code of Ethics among federations and unions; and 4)  Performance Standards and reporting tools for federations and unions.   The plenary outputs are submitted to the CDA Board of Administrators for their appropriate action as shown below including the appropriate CDA departments and divisions to act on the matter, as follows:







  1. Inclusion of ARMM in the zonal area of CDA specially in strengthening of feds and unions;
Registration Division
  1. Grouping/clustering of federations based on their business activities
Registration Division
  1. Regulation on multiple affiliation of primary coops
Registration Division
     4.    Assess and strengthen secondary coops at the regional levels. All Divisions
  1. Develop Code of Ethics among Federations.
IDD & LRD Departments
  1. Encourage primaries to join a federation
IDD & LRD Departments
  1. Merge / consolidate federations to be a branch of federation creating an Apex Orgn.
8.   In relation to the rationalization of federations,  the CDA shall :

1)        Initiate mechanism in developing a model structure for federations;

2)        Initiate breakfast forum as an strategy to advocate / promote orgn. of apex orgn. among federations.

3)        Create / organize an apex orgn.

IDD and LRD Departments
9. Develop mandatory reports for federations and unions SCA and SA (CRITD), PR (CPDAD) and CAPR (Registration Division)
10.    CDA to continue the activities for the  strengthening of existing coops thru branching; CPDAD
11.      CDA to Address the concern on the “may” provision of the law regarding the  remittance of CETF; IDD and LRD Departments
12.   CDA to coordinate with CHED for the offering of Cooperative Courses by SUCs. CRITD







1.    CDS IIs to monitor the implementation of trainings  by accredited training providers CRITD
2.    Difficulty of micro coops to comply with mandatory requirements of CDA as associated with cost involved per training CRITD
3.    Presence of CDO (LGU) as training providers and competitors or major threat to the Unions IDD


4.    Time availability of officers of institutional cooperatives associated with inability / difficulty to comply with mandatory trainings of institutional cooperatives CRITD
5.    Develop Module for Mediation and Conciliation IDD & LRD Directors
6.    Real Property Tax imposed by LGUs to coops LRD Director
7.    CDA action on the “May” Provision of the law relative to the remittance of CETF IDD & LRD Directors
8.    Few member affiliates remit CETF IDD & LRD Directors
9.    Unions and federation should not compete but act together to compliment and supplement each other IDD & LRD Directors
10.  Develop and use Standard training curriculum / module. IDD & LRD Directors
11.  CEF inputs be recognized & valued when considering competency-based training CRITD
12.  Difficulty of coops to comply with Social Audit CRITD
13.  LGUs (determine capacity as real “TPROs” not for mere issuance of certificate to primaries CRITD
14.  Strong union equals Strong primaries; CETF becomes a voluntary contribution when primaries recognize the value of assistance provided by unions. IDD & LRD Directors

(With reports from Corazon Diwas and CPDAD Technical Staff)