Electronic Cooperative Clinique Program (ECoopCLiP) A Virtual Delivery of Technical Assistance Services

With the recent pandemic, the Authority must adapt to a new way of engaging & transacting business. because clienteles require immediate and real-time actions the Authority’s delivery system has to evolve and adapt where virtual electronic technical support has become essential.

(Electronic Cooperative Clinique Program)
a citizen-centric strategy of the Authority to reach and serve the public. A virtual platform, an internet-based technical assistance delivery mechanism.

Bring the services closer to the clientele thru its citizen-centered ECoopCLiP so: the general public experiences real-time technical assistance to improve its image and the public sector’s satisfaction level. This “outside-in” project requires the citizens’ needs, perspectives, improvement priorities, and satisfaction to be foremost in mind.

Therefore, ECoopCLiP should lead the agency to focus on citizens’ service priorities and needs.

Deliver apt technical assistance through the convergence of the frontline service delivery units of the agency;
Utilize the digital capability of the agency to deliver products and services through the direct intervention of the ICTD/MIS; and
Satisfy the immediate requirements of the transacting public.