Memorandum Circulars
- MC 1994-02 | Supreme Court Decision *[REPEALED]
- MC 1994-01-A | Memorandum of Ageement Between the Cooperative Development Authority and Chamber of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Philippines *[REPEALED]
- MC 1994-01 | Memorandum of Agreement Between the Cooperative Development Authority and Chamber of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources of the Philippines *[REPEALED]
- MC 1993-11 | The Role of Cooperative Authority in the Implementation of the Philippine Medium Term Cooperative Development Plan (as Approved by the Board of Administrators per Resolution No. 309 S-1993 Dated December 21, 1993) *[REPEALED]
- MC 1993-10 | DOTC-CDA Implementing Guidelines on the Organization and Registration of Public Transportation and Telecommunication Service Cooperatives *[REPEALED]
- MC 1993-09 | Implementing Guidelines on the Utilization of Country Wide Development Funds for Cooperative Development
- MC 1993-08 | Registration of Cooperative Insurance Entities
- MC 1993-07 | Mediation and Conciliation Proceedings
- MC 1993-06 | Guideline of the Cooperative Development Councils *[REPEALED]
- MC 1993-05 | Exception of Cooperatives from Local Business, Taxes, Fees and Charges