The public is hereby advised that the following businesses or juridical entities bearing the words “COOP” or “COOPERATIVES” in their respective business names, are not actually cooperatives as they are not duly registered cooperatives with the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA):


Pursuant to Section 15 of Republic Act (RA) No. 11364, any person or organization is prohibited to use “Coop” in their business name unless duly registered with the CDA.

“Section 15. Prohibition. – Except as provided for under Article 130 of Republic Act No. 9520, the use by any person or organization of the word “cooperative,” “coop,” “co-op,” and “koop” in their business name, unless duly registered with the Authority, shall be prohibited and shall be penalized under Article 140 of Republic Act No. 9520.”

Moreover, Article 140 of R.A. No. 9520 or the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008 states –

“ART. 140. Penal Provisions. – The following acts or omissions affecting cooperatives are hereby prohibited:

(1) The use of the word ‘cooperative’ by any person or of persons or organizations, unless duly registered as a cooperative under this Code except as provided for under Article 130 hereof. In case of violation, the individual or individuals concerned, or in the case of an
organization, its officers and directors shall, upon conviction, each suffer the penalty of imprisonment of not less than two (2) years nor more than five (5) years and a fine not exceeding Twenty thousand pesos (P20,000.00) or both at the discretion of the court.

The Authority may motu proprio initiate complaints for violations of this provision.


It came to the knowledge of the CDA that the above-mentioned businesses or juridical entities are using the word “Coop” or “COOPERATIVES” in their respective business names. However, based on the official records of this Authority, RIVSON COOP STORAGE, INC., PHILIPPINE CHAMBER OF COOPERATIVES, INC. (COOP CHAMBER), and LAYER ZERO COOPERATIVE, are NOT registered cooperatives under R.A. No. 9520.

Appropriate actions have already been undertaken by this Authority to ensure that no grave or irreparable damage or injury will be caused to the public who might be deceived or led to believe that the said entities are legitimately operating as cooperatives.

Should there be any information that similar entities are operating and using the word “cooperative,” “coop,” “co-op,” or “koop” in their business names without registering with the CDA, please report to the CDA by sending an email to [email protected] or [email protected].

For the guidance of the public.

Quezon City, 24 June 2024.

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