Following the successful registration of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) with the National Privacy Commission (NPC) and having been awarded with the requisite Certificate and Seal of Registration, the Authority conducted a Data Privacy Awareness Training on August 9, 2024, 9:00 AM via blended mode at 7th Floor, Conference Hall, CDA Head Office.
The Authority acknowledges the importance of a Data Privacy Awareness Training for all employees to understand the potential risks associated with their specific functions and the importance and value of protecting sensitive data. Data Privacy Awareness Training refers to educational courses and programs designed to educate employees about data privacy regulations, best practices, company privacy procedures, and the importance of protecting sensitive information.
The conduct of said training is pursuant to Chapter VII, Section 22 of the Republic Act (RA) No. 10173 otherwise known as the Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012 which mandates both the government and private sector to ensure that personal information and communications systems are secured and protected and given the Authority’s collection of personal information in view of its developmental, registration and regulation, and quasi judicial powers, functions, and responsibilities.
Mr. Cleo R. Martinez, Information Technology Officer II, Compliance and Monitoring Division of the NPC, served as the Resource Person during the said training. Some of the key topics that were discussed includes Examples of Data Breaches, Important Key terms/definition, Functions of the NPC, Rights of the Data Subjects, General Data Privacy Principles, Privacy Notice, Consent, Privacy Policy, Security measures, Penalties & Administrative fines and Updates of New Circulars.
Meanwhile, the Members of the Honorable Board, Administrator, Deputy Administrators, Regional Directors, Division Chiefs, Unit Heads and Job Order and Contract of Service personnel both in the CDA Head Office and its Extension Offices attended the said training via blended mode of instruction.