The CDA Koops eForum recently featured the Regulatory Relief in the Conduct of General Assembly Meetings and Guidelines on the Organization of NAC, SAOs and RCOs to update cooperatives on the latest issuances of the Authority, which may affect their operations.
What is a Regulatory Relief?
The CDA recently issued two Memorandum Circulars heeding the call and in recognition of the plight of the cooperative sector in the present situation of national health emergency, as a relief in the submission of reportorial requirements and in the conduct of General Assemblies, in light of the pandemic.
General Assembly Meetings
In summary, cooperatives may either conduct or cancel their annual general assembly (GA) meetings and election of officers this year. For those that opted to proceed must conduct the same not later than September 30, 2021. Depending on the community quarantine status of the area, cooperatives may conduct their GA meetings through face-to-face, video conferencing or facebook live, subject to CDA guidelines and strict observance of IATF Resolution No. 88 (IATF Resolution No. 88 – Official Gazette).
Cooperatives may also hold their meetings either simultaneously or sequentially, depending on the number of members. Also, the conduct of elections shall observe secret ballot to preserve the integrity of the process.
For cooperatives that opted to cancel their general assembly meetings, they must submit a letter to the CDA Regional Office having jurisdiction over the cooperative not later than June 30, 2021, subject to submission of other requirements as stated in the guidelines.
For the detailed guidelines, please read MC 2021-03 | Regulatory Relief in the Conduct of General Assembly Meetings for the Calendar Year 2021 Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic and MC 2021-06 | Supplemental Guidelines to MC No. 2021-03 Titled “Regulatory Relief in the Conduct of General Assembly Meeting for 2021 Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic”.
What are NAC, SAOs, RCOs?
These stand for National Alliance of Cooperatives (NAC), Sectoral Apex Organizations (SAOs), and Regional Clustered Organizations (RCOs).These shall function as the overall consultative and coordinating body with the Authority, specifically, the purpose of these organizations are to create a unifying organization that represents the interest and welfare of the cooperative movement.
For RCOs there would be six clustered organizations for every region, which are:
- Credit and Financial Services, Banking, Credit Surety Fund and Insurance;
- Consumers, Marketing, Producers, and Logistics;
- Human Services: Health, Housing, Workers, and Labor Service;
- Education and Advocacy;
- Agriculture, Agrarian, Aquaculture, Farmers, Dairy, and Fisherfolk; and
- Public Utilities: Electricity, Water, Communications, and Transport.
All primary, secondary and tertiary cooperatives, except those specifically mentioned in the guidelines, shall be an automatic member in RCOs. Unions shall join the education and advocacy cluster. In the case of sectoral cooperative unions, they shall join the cluster where the sector belongs.
For SAOs, there would be one apex organization for each clustered organization. Each SAO shall be represented by not more than three (3) representatives. The first two (2) shall serve as permanent members and the other one shall be an alternate representative.
The organization of the NAC shall be under the supervision of the CDA Head Office, to be spearheaded by the CDA Board. The representatives of each recognized SAO shall compose the NAC.
For detailed information, you may read MC 2020-28 | Guidelines Governing the Organization and Recognition of a National Alliance of Cooperatives (NAC), Sectoral APEX Organizations (SAOs) and Regional Clustered Organizations (RCOs).
The presentations were discussed by Atty. Jovilyn Gaffud-Marquez, Chief of Legal Division and Ms. Sally Triňanes, Supervising CDS of the Regulation Department. The cooperative sector was represented as reactors of the eForum, namely Ms. ELIZABETH H. BUENACOSA, Treasurer of Community Resources of Tacurong City MPC, Region 12, Atty. RONEY JONE P. GANDEZA, Legal Unit, Baguio Colleges Foundation Credit Cooperative, CAR, Mr. WILFREDO LABARO, Operations Officer, Pinili Development Cooperative, Region 6, Mr. ENRICO A. AURELIO, Chairman, GLEDCO Multipurpose Cooperative, Region 1. Copy of presentations are attached below.
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Procedural NAC, SOA, RCO
Regulatory Relief on GAs