In a momentous gathering at Malacañang Palace on October 16, 2023, His Excellency Ferdinand R. Marcos, Jr. extended a warm welcome to approximately 300 cooperative leaders, alongside officials and personnel from the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), marking the grand occasion of the 2023 National Day of Cooperatives. This significant event coincided with the 108th year of the cooperative movement in the Philippines.
During this momentous occasion, COOP-NATCCO Party List Representative Felimon Espares had the distinct honor of presenting to the President the Cooperative Sector’s role in advancing a key agenda of national importance – food security.
President Marcos addressed the cooperative movement with a resounding call to action, urging them to initiate the process of consolidation among local farmers, cooperatives, and associations. He pledged the full support of the government in this endeavor. His vision extends to seeing cooperatives that are not only well-managed but also well-financed, functioning as a unified front where the cooperative movement, the Cooperative Development Authority, and the government collaborate seamlessly. He further reassured that the government stands ready to meet the needs of the CDA.
The President’s call for consolidation and alignment towards food security marks a significant step in enhancing the cooperative movement’s role in shaping a sustainable and prosperous future for the Philippines. As cooperatives unite in their commitment to this cause, the country moves closer to achieving greater self-reliance and resilience in the realm of food production and security.