To properly guide the newly hired and designated CSF head office and regional office personnel in their respective tasks, the Technical Assistance Division (TAD) together with the Inspection and Examination Division (IED) conducted a virtual orientation on February 13, 2024, attended by thirteen (13) participants composed of Supervising CDS, Senior CDSeis and CDSes II and I. The activity provided lectures on the following topics: 1) CSF Service Organizational Structure and Salient Features of RA 10744 or CSF Act of 2015 by Mr. Recto E. Transfiguracion, Chief, TAD; 2) Registration Requirements by Ms. Mary Grace I. Cinco, Supervising CDS, TAD; 3) Registration Process and Common Findings in Registration and Selected Statistics by Acting Senior CDS Ms. Marygrace C. Jaquilmac; 4) IED reports and monitoring tools presented by IED Chief Ms. Jo Ann C. Gamboa, and 5) Senior CDS Mr. Ian Dave U. Alindajao, respectively.

During the orientation, the regional participants were made to understand their respective tasks and how each has a crucial role to play during the initial stage of registration of a CSF cooperative that involve provision of technical assistance to potential CSF stakeholders and conduct of technical evaluation on the registration requirements. The usual common findings during the technical evaluation were likewise presented that oftentimes cause delays in registering a CSF cooperative.
The participants were also briefed on the regular reports to be submitted and the inspection instrument as a monitoring tool in the compliance of registered CSF cooperatives to RA 10744 or the CSF Act of 2015.