The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) convened the members of the National Cooperative Development Council (NCDC) for its organizational meeting and election of officers. The event was held at the Crowne Plaza Manila Galleria in Quezon City last December 6, 2022. The NCDC is a multi-sectoral body consisting of the Chairpersons of the Regional Cooperative Development Councils, members of the National Coordinating Committee-Cooperative Development, representatives from the Committee on Cooperatives of the Senate and the House of Representatives, National Presidents of the League of Provinces of the Philippines, League of Vice-Governors of the Philippines, League of Cities of the Philippines, League of Municipalities of the Philippines, Vice-Mayors League of the Philippines, Provincial Board Members League, Philippine Councilors League, Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines (ULAP), Chairperson of the National Alliance of Cooperatives (NAC), representative from the academe, a non-government organization with cooperative development program and the President or duly authorized representative of the league of Cooperative Development Officers of the Philippines.
Republic Act 11364 or the CDA Charter of 2019 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) mandates the establishment of cooperative development councils in the national, regional, provincial, city and municipal levels in order to provide the cooperative movement a system for policy consultation and program coordination in accordance with the guidelines to be prescribed by the Cooperative Development Authority. CDA issued Memorandum Circular 2022-03 providing the Guidelines on the Structure, Organization, and Operation of Cooperative Development Councils. Under the said Guidelines, the Councils shall coordinate and harmonize the implementation of various cooperative plans, programs and projects of the government , assist the CDA in the broad-based monitoring and coordination of the implementation of the Philippine Cooperative Development Plan (PCDP) through the collective efforts of all sectors and propose policies affecting cooperatives for local and national implementation.
The newly elected officers of the NCDC who took their Oath of Office before CDA Chairperson Undersecretary Joseph B. Encabo are: Mr. Alexander B. Raquepo (RCDC Region I) Chairperson, Mr. Deal Noel D. Benegrado (RCDC Region X) Vice-Chairperson, Ms. Lucia G. Furo (RCDC NCR) Secretary, Mr. Raymundo G. Dela Cruz (RCDC Region II) Treasurer and Mr. Alvin B. Dela Cruz (RCDC Caraga) Auditor.