The Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) successfully held a Two-Day Training on Mediation and Conciliation for the Cooperative Sector at the CDA Head Office from January 16 to 17, 2025 which aimed to enhance the skills of CDA Cooperative Mediators/Trainers and emphasize the importance of alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms in fostering unity and effectively resolving inter and intra-cooperative disputes.



Asec. Luz H. Yringco, Board Member III, Head of the Finance Cooperatives Cluster, and an advocate of Alternative Dispute Resolution, engaged the audience with her insightful lectures on the key benefits of conciliation and mediation. She delved into the cost-effective nature of ADR, its role in upholding confidentiality, and how it fosters trust and collaboration among cooperative members. She also emphasized the importance of the Conciliation and Mediation Committee Coordinator who handles logistical concerns to ensure the conciliation-mediation process runs smoothly.


Using dynamic storytelling and relatable examples, Asec. Yringco explained the nuances of conflict dynamics, the emotional toll of unresolved disputes, and the ripple effect on productivity. She also introduced the PDIOS framework (Problem, Demand, Interest, Options, Solution) to guide mediators in facilitating mutually satisfying agreements.





Workshops enabled participants to practice ADR techniques, such as empathic listening and non-adversarial communication, and drafting settlement agreements to address real-life scenarios. Through these hands-on activities, attendees learned to transform disputes into opportunities for growth and strengthened relationships.






The training concluded with a Gap Analysis and Ways Forward session led by Atty. Leah B. Banagui-Han, Deputy Administrator of the Legal Affairs Service, wherein the plenary preliminarily reviewed and critiqued the three proposed training modules on Conflict Management, Mediation, and Conciliation for the cooperative sector. Also discussed was the role of the CDA’s case prevention strategies under the Cooperative Quasi-Judicial Program and the forthcoming CDA ADR Center which aims to strengthen and promote the use of ADR mechanisms to resolve and reduce cooperative disputes. Additionally, the Omnibus Rules of Procedure and the Memorandum Circular (MC) on Accreditation were tackled during the activity.


The activity was spearheaded by the Legal Division, with Atty. Theresa Marie Montales-Dolom, the focal person for its ADR Program, hosted and organized the activity together with the dedicated Legal Division staff. The success of this event was made possible through their collaboration and hard work.

The activity reflects CDA’s unwavering commitment to promoting harmony and collaboration in the cooperative sector. By equipping participants with the skills to resolve conflicts effectively, the agency ensures cooperatives remain thriving and cohesive pillars of community development.



Stay tuned for future CDA programs and updates as we continue to champion cooperative excellence across the Philippines!

Reference: Article for the MEDCON 2025