
The COOPERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY CENTRAL OFFICE (CDA-CO) Disposal Committee will receive sealed bids until November 17, 2017, 10:00A.M. at...
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HOW time flies! Soon it will be 2018 and so many things are happening now-a- days before you can...
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THEY are the new breed of freedom fighters, waging a war not anymore against external forces but struggling to...
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MERRY Christmas! This is a wish more than a greeting, a prayer that despite the ecological disasters we are...
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FROM out of their ancestors’ innovative mindset loomed the 8th wonder of the world – the Banaue Rice Terraces....
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The CDA led by Chair Orlando R. Ravanera made its presence strongly felt in the launching of the Biyaya...
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THERE is now an evolving consciousness that Darwin’s theory of Survival of the Fittest is flawed and must be...
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