CDA Region I Legal Officer Atty. Katherine Elorin, Sr. CDS Jacqueline L. De Leon and CDS II Arlenne C. Espinoza spearheaded the releasing of financial assistance to Oaqui 4 Multi-Purpose Cooperative and Oaqui 2 Multi-Purpose Cooperative, both of which are located in Luna, La Union. Typhoon Betty impacted these two cooperatives, flooding the cooperative stores and causing significant damage to the commodities/products sold by the cooperatives.
Fifty Thousand Pesos checks were given to each cooperative. This amount will serve as a seed capital to purchase commodities or groceries to be sold to the members. Before the awarding of checks, CPDAS team discussed the guidelines in disbursing the financial assistance and likewise its liquidation. Atty. Elorin, advised the cooperatives to utilize the funds for the intended as stated in the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).

Jessie Carino, the Designated Cooperative Officer, was instrumental in assisting these cooperatives in preparing the necessary documentation for this financial assistance. Officers were overjoyed to be chosen as a recipient of this financial support and committed to follow the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement. (Connie De Guzman, CDS II)