A Memorandum of Agreement Signing of CDA Laws Awareness Program (CLAP) was ceremoniously held between the Cooperative Development Authority (represented by USec. Joseph B. Encabo) and Urdaneta City University (represented by CLEP Director Atty. Herbert Navarro and Vice-President for Academic Affairs Dr. Josephine Lambinicio) on February 8, 2024, 3:00 PM at UCU Administrative Bldg., Urdaneta City, Pangasinan.
CDA and UCU agreed to enhance learning opportunities of law students, while promoting access to justice of marginalized sectors, particularly, that of cooperatives through the CLAP. The MOA features collaboration in the dissemination and promotion of Republic Act (RA) No. 11364, otherwise known as the Cooperative Development Authority Charter of 2019, RA 9520 or the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008, and their respective implementing Rules and Regulations, to law students through their respective law schools. Further, a relevant element in the MOA is the On-the-Job-Training (OJT) opportunity for the law students at the CDA or a chosen cooperative, among others.
CDA Region 1 Extension Office Regional Director Atty. Frederick Joe N. Robles and OIC Vice-President for Administrative Affairs Atty. Michael Henry Sevilleja were witnesses to the signing of the MOA. Likewise, in attendance at the MOA signing were CDA R1EO Asst. Regional Director Edilberto Unson, Legal Section Head Atty. Katherine F. Ellorin, Sr. CDS- Registration Section Filipina Porio and CDS II Imelda Fronda. CDS I Edgar Ibuan and CDS II Maricel Ruedas served as Masters of Ceremony during the event.
USec. Encabo placed a call to aid through giving a subsidy to the law students who will be part of the CLAP externship.
After the signing, Asst. Regional Director Unson imparted a meaningful message from Henry Ford, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” He likewise expressed gratitude for the new partnership, and the warm welcome of UCU through the full support and attendance of Faculty Heads and members of the workforce and the CLEP students to the event.
The CDA looks forward in working together with UCU for a successful partnership. (Atty. Katherine F. Ellorin)