JUST CONCLUDED | The Cooperative Development Authority Region 1 (CDA R1) Extension Office, in collaboration with the Philippine Coconut Authority, successfully organized a seminar on “Basic Training on Coconut Production. The seminar aimed to provide valuable insights and practical knowledge to all Dasol Ka’Adua Agriculture Cooperative members. Mr. Dan Rave Mayo, Agriculturist of the Philippine Coconut Authority, delivered an enlightening presentation during the seminar. As a recognized expert in cultivation of coconuts, Mr. Mayo shared his expertise on topics about various steps, processes, and theories related to the coconut value-chain.

Moreover, the training is geared toward understanding coconut plantation management processes and describing the concept of diversifying farms through coconut intercropping. They also learned about coconut harvesting and post-harvest handling, as well as its value and various appropriate management techniques against coconut pests and diseases.
Under the tutelage of Regional Director, Atty. Frederick Joe N. Robles, CDA R1, continues to support and promote the growth of all cooperatives in the region. The Office’s objective in organizing seminars and events like this is to provide valuable knowledge and opportunities for cooperative businesses to thrive in the modern era.
The training management team headed by Ms. Jacqueline De Leon, Sr. CDS, together with Ms. Arlenne Espinoza, CDS II and Mr. Jasper Ferrer, CDS II, were praised for their efforts in conducting such an informative and well-organized event. A total of twenty-five (25) participants attended the Training Course on August 18, 2023 at Brgy. Uli, Dasol, Pangasinan. (Jasper V. Ferrer, CDS II)