The CDA Region I Extension Office (CDA R1 EO) thru the Legal Section Head Atty. Katherine F. Ellorin organized the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on CDA Laws Awareness Program (CLAP) between the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) and Lyceum-Northwestern University held on 19 July 2023 at the L-NU College of Law Library, Dagupan City.

In attendance at the MOA signing were CDA Chairman USec. Joseph B. Encabo, L-NU Vice-President for Academic Affairs Dr. Marina Abella, and L-NU Dean of College of Law Atty. Farah Marie Decano. CDA-Head Office Acting Chief of Legal Division Atty. August Owen Magdato, CDA R1 EO Regional Director Atty. Frederick Joe Robles, L-NU CLEP Advisers Atty. Noah Siapno and Atty. Doris Barrozo were witnesses to the signing of the MOA. CDA R1 Supervising CDS Edilberto Unson, Sr. CDS- Registration Section Filipina Porio, HRMA Edgar Ibuan and JO Wilson Solomon likewise participated during said event.
USec. Encabo led the signing of the MOA that aims to establish linkages with the academe and other institutions, local and international, for education, training and research for cooperatives (Sec. 4 (gg) of RA 11364). The MOA likewise features collaboration in the dissemination and promotion of Republic Act (RA) No. 11364, otherwise known as the Cooperative Development Authority Charter of 2019, RA 9520 or the Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008, and their respective implementing Rules and Regulations, to law students through their respective law schools; and, On-the-Job-Training opportunity for the law students at the CDA or a chosen cooperative, among others.
Both the CDA and L-NU appreciate the necessity of close coordination to accomplish their objectives, thus enhancing learning opportunities of law students, while promoting access to justice of marginalized sectors, particularly, that of cooperatives.
The CDA looks forward to a continuing partnership with L-NU. (Atty. Katherine F. Ellorin and Jasper V. Ferrer)