To approach the sector with the new program of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) which is the “CDA Listens”, the CDA-Region XI Director Ruben L. Cunanan, DDM, MPA, attended the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARB) coops meeting to personally listen to their clamor and guide on the decision making of the coop.

On 08 October 2021, the WADECOR Employees Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative, located at Minda, Carmen, Davao del Norte, and the Diamond Farmers Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Multi-Purpose Cooperative (DARBMUPCO), at 8101 Alejal, Carmen, Davao Del Norte, were the two coops that Dir. Cunanan visited. As his strategy to make the coops closer to the Authority, he personally takes into consideration the ideas and requests of the coops. Moreover, he also provided insights and words of encouragement to develop more and empower themselves even during this pandemic.
To manifest that the CDA-RXI EO is determined on providing the coops a well-structured CDA, Dir. Cunanan had a courtesy call to the City Mayor’s Office in Carmen, Davao del Norte, and met Hon. Mayor Virginia J. Perandos, as a simple step that the Authority is willing to venture for the betterment of the coops in Region XI.