Committed to its mandate of promoting cooperative laws in the country, the Cooperative Development Authority Region 11 Extension Office was the first CDA regional office to conduct an orientation for fifteen (15) law student practitioners in the country for its CLAP Program, specifically from its partner school, the Rizal Memorial College- School of Law on September 18, 2023 in Davao City, Philippines.
The orientation was in line with the CDA Law Awareness Program (CLAP), wherein law student practitioners shall be immersed in the legal services of the Authority, providing legal consultation and promoting alternative dispute mechanism to various cooperatives in the country, among others.
The CDA Region 11 Extension Office through the leadership of its Legal Unit Chief, Atty. Earl D.F. Larroder and designated legal assistant CDS II Paul Ryan Simbajon, and in coordination with the Legal Division of the Legal Affairs Services of the Authority prepared for both a morning online and afternoon onsite orientation seminar for the law student practitioners.
The morning online orientation was conducted by Atty. August Owen Magdato, Acting Chief of the Legal Division of the Legal Affairs Services of the Authority. His lecture was focused on the background and principles of cooperatives and salient provisions of Republic Act No. 9520 (Philippine Cooperative Code of 2008).
The afternoon onsite orientation was held at the CDA Hearing Room, CDA Building, Friendship Road, SPMC Compound, Dumanlas, Davao City wherein a tour of the building and orientation of the various operating units of the Authority was also conducted. An overview of the CDA Omnibus Rules of Procedures was conducted by Atty. Earl D.F. Larroder and the provision on Investigation on cooperatives was conducted by Atty. Sheena Rima of the Legal Division.
The event was graced by presence of CDA Region 11 Extension Office Regional Director Glenn S. Garcia, Senior Supervising CDS Antonio Escobar and a recorded welcome messaged was given by Deputy Administrator Atty. Leah Banagui-Han of the Legal Affairs Services of the Cooperative Development Authority. Also present during the morning online orientation was Atty. Philip John L. Pojas, RMC-SOL Director of. Legal Aid Clinic.