“AgSurnon” Cooperatives Joins the CDA Caraga COC on Wheels

By: Jordann Troy M. Lastimosa, CDS II

Agusan del Sur Cooperatives joins the CDA Caraga COC on Wheels, from the Municipality of Sibagat, Prosperidad, San Luis, Talacogon, San Francisco, Rosario, Bunawan, Trento, Sta. Josefa, Veruela, Loreto, La Paz, & the Lone City of Bayugan, in the Province of Agusan del Sur.

As the Cooperative Development Authority of Region XIII implements its charter to strengthen the cooperative movement within its Area of Responsibility, the office has conducted an Orientation Cum Workshop on Annual Mandatory Report, as Part of the COC on Wheels Program of the Agency.

The activity commenced on March 7, 2024. Cooperative representatives from the different Municipalities of Agusan del Sur and Lone City (as we call AgSurnon Cooperatives) have gathered to be able to acquire the shared knowledge and skills during the said orientation.

The overall activity was attended by 101 participants. Even though the venue was far from their area of operation, still participants were able to attend. A combination of Micro, Small, Medium and Large Category Type of Cooperatives attended the said activity.

As the activity ends on a huge success, some participants shared their appreciation to all the efforts, shared by the host (Provincial Local Government of Agusan del Sur through Provincial Agriculture Office – Cooperative Development Division) headed by Provincial Governor Santiago Cane Jr., and the Resource Speakers from the CDA Region XIII headed by Regional Director Monatao Honeya R. Alawi. As they say, “In every ending, there are also new beginnings”, for the COC on wheels, this is just the beginning of fruitful services for the coops not just from Agusan del Sur but also for the entire country.