On February 14, 2025, the Cooperative Development Authority Region III Extension Office spearheaded a virtual technical assistance through its ECoopClinique Program via the Zoom platform. Electronic Cooperative Clinique Program (ECoopCLiP) is a citizen-centric strategy of CDA to reach and serve the community. Its main goal is for the general public to experience real-time technical assistance to improve its image and the public sector’s satisfaction level. ECoopCLiP was conceived to be a virtual platform and internet-based technical assistance delivery mechanism. This was in response to the need for adapting with new ways of engaging and transacting with clients and for providing timely actions or responses to their queries. The goal was to deliver technical assistance through the convergence of the frontline service delivery units of the agency through digital means.
The Registration Section, headed by Senior Cooperatives Development Specialist (CDS), Ms. Vernilyn Fe C. Parentilla, together with Ms. Salve Mae L. Estocapio, CDS II presented the
rationale of the program that is conducted. The preliminaries activity started at 2:00pm and then followed by program proper.
During the program proper, the first topic which is Merger and Consolidation was presented and discussed by Ms. Vernilyn Fe C. Parentilla, Senior CDS of the Registration Section. The legal bases of the topic, difference between the consolidation and merger, process on how to undergo consolidation and merger and its benefits were also expounded.
Next topic regarding RA 11535, CDO Certification Program and the Celebration of the International Year of Cooperative (IYC) were presented and discussed by Ms. Jenalyn D. Ferrer, Senior CDS of the Cooperative Research, Information and Training Section. Each topic was explained thoroughly and updated the participants on the accomplishments of the section regarding the orientation of RA 11535, conduct of CDO Certification Program on each province and the conduct of IYC in the national and regional level.
After the presentation and discussion of the topics, breakout rooms per section were created to facilitate the queries of the participants.
The Registration Section, headed by Chief Vernilyn Fe C. Parentilla, answered queries and concerns from cooperatives with concerns about the merging and consolidation, amendment queries through the created breakout rooms.
Similar to this, the Legal Section, led by Atty. Macy N. Marcelo, addressed legal-related concerns.
Correspondingly, cooperatives with issues with their compliance and the mandatory reports that needs to be submitted was addressed by the representatives from the Supervision and Examination Section, Ms. Monika T. Escober and Mr. Michael
Louie Nuevo.
Ms. Jennalyn Ferrer, Chief of the Cooperative Research Information and Training Section (CRITS), responded to inquiries from cooperatives on required trainings and schedules especially the certification program and mandatory trainings.
The Credit Surety Fund Section Head, Ms. Jelyn D. Reyes, similarly discussed the CSF programs and provided clarification on certain queries.
Through the designated breakout rooms, the Cooperative Project Development and Assistance Section, led by Ms. Margie Gulapa, OIC- Senior Cooperatives Development Specialist, provides direct solutions to cooperatives’ questions and concerns regarding CDA Projects and Programs.
During the implementation of ECoopCLiP, total of 76 participants and CDA personnel. Participants’ queries were addressed properly through breakout rooms which their concerns were answered directly by section head/ representatives.
It was a successful activity; concerns, questions, and requests were addressed to the satisfaction of the attendees, bringing the CDA’s services closer to its clientele. Then after, closing remarks was given by RD Marieta P. Hwang, she emphasized the importance of this program and that each query is now cleared/ answered. And that this program shall be conducted regularly, that the CDA will continuously be close to our clienteles/ partners.