CDA Region IV-A EO

CDA Biyaheng Kooperatiba: Cooperative Compliance Assistance Caravan in Laguna Province

May 16, 2024 – The Cooperative Development Authority Regional Extension Office IV-A, spearheaded by the Legal Section, conducted the Biyaheng Kooperatiba: Amnesty Program Orientation in Laguna Province. This forum was held at the Calamba Hall of Monte Vista Hot Springs and Conference Resort for the cooperatives in the Province of Laguna, following the conduct of the same forum for the Province of Cavite.

The “Orientation/Advocacy on Memorandum Circular on One-Time Grant of Amnesty” program is intended for non-compliant cooperatives with pending involuntary dissolution case/s, and those that are under the dissolved status. Cooperatives from different municipalities and cities in Laguna who are qualified for the amnesty were invited to the said forum. In addition, Cooperative Development Officers (CDO) and Local Government Unit (LGU) also attended to further promote awareness in their locality. A total of one hundred and forty-nine (149) attendees actively participated in the half-day activity.

Assistant Regional Director Bernadette Preciosa G. Hornilla welcomed the participants with her warm message. She also stated that this amnesty guideline is due to the growing number of non-compliant cooperatives in the region. She ended her remarks by encouraging our cooperative members to seize the opportunity brought by the amnesty and comply with the regulations to continue their operation.

Moreover, Atty. August Owen P. Magdato, the Legal Officer of the REO proceeded with the discussion of the yet-to-be-published amnesty guidelines. He elaborated on why and how a cooperative is tagged as non-compliant, as well as the reason/s for the issuance of a Show Cause Order (SCO). He also detailed the compliance process, in case the non-compliant cooperative signifies its intention to comply with the guideline.

Atty. Magdato added that the cooperative should settle any penalty after conducting an assessment of their case. Several documentary requirements are expected to be submitted in availing of amnesty favor, which includes the letter of revival/revitalization, minutes of the general assembly meeting, and a business plan.

According to the participants from different cooperatives, the reason for their non-compliance is the inadequate training attended by the officers. Cooperative officers lack the will to attend relevant training and cannot show commitment to the cooperative. Atty. Magdato responded that the incumbent officers should make up for the missed training to earn their Certificate of Compliance (COC) once again.

The said amnesty guidelines for dissolved and non-compliant cooperatives are yet to be effective pending its required publication. Applications for the program are accepted until the end of November 2024 only. Cooperatives covered that do not avail will be subjected to cancellation of their Certificates of Registration.