CDA Region IV-A EO

CDA Chairperson Visits Batangas City

CDA Chairperson, Usec. Joseph “Joy” Encabo visited San Jose Sico Landfill MPC in San Jose Sico, Batangas City last October 18, 2021. USec. Encabo was moved by a video he watched from the YouTube, featuring the cooperative whose original members are mostly garbage collectors and sorters. Instantly, he decided to visit the group in Batangas City.

The CD Chairperson’s visit has become a healthy discussion among officers and employees who narrated their firsthand experiences in organizing the said cooperative. They also discussed the byproducts derived from the garbage that they collect. Usec. Joy was inspired even more and mentioned that during his term, he would focus on development of micro and small cooperatives. He emphasized that he personally visit cooperatives even from far flung areas and that he didn’t want greetings on tarpaulins and long entourage.

And with that, USec. Joy was able to touch the cooperatives and have a more personal discussion with them, just like what he did with the San Jose Sico Landfill MPC. As a gift, the good USec. gave the cooperative a laptop that they can use in their operations.