The cooperative was not spared from the effects of COVID-19. Business operations were either frozen during the strict community quarantine or have become limited that caused significantly decreased cash inflows. Besides the pandemic, the effects of strong typhoons, particularly Typhoon Ulyssess, devastated homes, offices, buildings and facilities for miscellaneous business use. It was another difficult knockback. There was so much needed assistance to the members and the community. But with the cooperatives’ community development funds almost depleted, those needs might not all be met.
The municipality of Binganonan was also hit hard by Typhoon Ulysses. Its coastal areas were flooded while the highland areas were heavily damaged due to strong wind exposure.
The Municipal Cooperative Development Council of Binangonan was not daunted in this challenging time. The Council knew by heart the difficulties faced by the communities and as well as of the cooperatives in Binangonan. But in spite of hardships, ‘the spirit of bayanihan’ always find means to help others and the Council believes that the cooperatives in Binangonan were still willing to give. Thus, it spearheaded a Gift Giving Activity to families with totally damaged homes.
The officers of the Council started by gathering data from their local DSWD for the list of affected families. It turned out that there are a total of 113 families in the municipality with totally damaged houses. With the data which inspired more the Council to extend assistance, it promoted a fundraising activity to all cooperatives in Binangonan.
On December 21, 2020, the Council packed its Christmas packages with rice for the affected families. It was also able to coordinate with the Binangonan Host Lions Club wherein their packages will be delivered with a hygiene kit. The Local Government of Binangonan also partnered with the Council, by sponsoring the foods during packing and the day of gift-giving and as well as the transportation expenses.
On December 22, 2020, the Binangonan MCDC was able to deliver to the families their gift packages which were received with smiles and heartfelt thank you’s by the beneficiaries.