The Basic Training Course on Cooperatives, Bookkeeping, and Entrepreneurship for Beneficiaries of the RCEF Mechanization Program was conducted by the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) in collaboration with the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) according to the agreed schedule of the Philmech MIMAROPA Region TWG.
Our Regional Officers, led by Acting Regional Director Ms. Bernadette Preciosa G. Hornilla, Acting Supervising CDS Lilia S. Buela, CPDAS Head Raul Evangelista and CRITS Head Eva Loraine Cataje, and all involved staff and training facilitators, as well as the One Hundred Twenty (120) Farmers Association from the province, worked together to make this year’s implementation a success.
The training program was conducted on a uniform basis, and it formally began at 8:00 a.m. with an audio-visual presentation of prayer, followed by the singing of the National Anthem. Participants from various Farmers Associations were introduced by one of the event implementers, who also served as the program moderator. The PhilMech Director Mr. Baldwin G. Jallorina, CDA Assistant Secretary ASec. Virgilio R. Lazaga, CDA Chairperson USec. Joseph Encabo, and the Honorable Senator Cynthia Villar delivered a heartfelt message respectively, via Audio-Visual Presentation.
After all the messages, one of the staff discussed the 2 days Training Overview wherein we presented the flow of the programs and the topics and modules to be discussed, followed by Levelling of Expectations from the participants. When the expectations were presented by the participants, Pre- Test questionnaires were distributed to the participants and given them 10 minutes to answer the Pre- test.
The training ended at around 5:30 p.m., after which we prepared dinner and the participants went home with new ideas and knowledge about cooperatives, bookkeeping, and entrepreneurship.
Thus, we presented the Introduction about CDA as a lead agency that aims to promote the viability and growth of cooperative as instrument of social justice, equity and economic development, followed by introduction about PhilMech as well as the Brief Review of Rice Competitiveness.
Moreover, another speaker from the TWG discussed the Module 1: Introduction to Concepts of Entrepreneurship and Successful Enterprise
- Entrepreneurial mind-setting
- Warm Up Exercise #1
- Concept of Entrepreneurship
- Concept of Farm Machinery Service Provision
- Types of business
- Fundamentals of a successful Enterprise
It was discussed for almost one and half hour exactly consistent on the allotted time on the program.
After the discussion of Module 1, hefty lunch was served. After lunch break, one of the implementer continued to present the Module 2: Cooperativism and Values
- Concept of Cooperativism
- Cooperative Values
- Difference of cooperatives from other organizations
The session objectives in this module is to identify and discuss the characteristics of a successful enterprise and required business management skills and values; IA/FA participants will be motivated in transforming into a cooperative and Cooperative participant will be able to promote cooperativism among the IA/FA participants
Thereafter, another staff discussed topics on Module 3:
- Introduction to Bookkeeping
- Work Shop 1
The first day of training was ended past 6:00 in the evening but the moderator of the day leaves them an assignment to be presented on the next morning, and the dinner was already prepared and made available to the participants.
On the second day, about 8:00 again in the morning, the training was started by an audio-visual prayer, moderated by the secretariat. Prior to the training, the secretariat conducted recap from the 1st day of training.
- Presentation of Output for Workshop 1
- Source Documents and Records
Further, the formal presentation of module was initiated by the last speaker of the first day and then the discussions of Module 4: Roles of FCAs in Attaining the Goals of the RCEF- Mechanization Program & in Sustaining the Farm Machinery Service Provider, the speaker imparts learnings on the Important role of FCA beneficiaries in attaining the goal of RCEF-Mechanization Program and Responsibility of FCAs in complying with the requirements as beneficiary of the program
Afterwards, another speaker discussed the Introduction of Farm Machinery Utilization Record Book, relatively the FMRUB will serve as guide of FCA in reporting and to standardize the recording of farm machinery operation
Activity Workshop for filling out of Farm Machinery Utilization Record Book.
Post Training Activities: – Post Test and Post Training Evaluation
Finally, after the evaluation, the Closing Program comes in:
Training Highlights by the TWG, Impressions from Participants from two to five Participants, Awarding of Certificates, Closing Message, to be given by the Regional Director of CDA MIMAROPA Region. And then souvenir shots and pictorials.

The training ended at around 5:30 p.m., after which we prepared dinner and the participants went home with new ideas and knowledge about cooperatives, bookkeeping, and entrepreneurship.#