The month of February may have a day dedicated to hearts, but every day is also theoretically a day for the heart. The amethyst, which is said to symbolize piety, humility, spiritual insight, and sincerity, is the traditional birthstone for February. Under this backdrop, MIMAROPA was inspired to work hard and achieve the objectives with unflinching compassion. Now, for the Region’s successes for the Month of Hearts:
February 2, 2023. An essential step in enhancing employee performance and assisting the organization in achieving its objectives was reached with the Strategic Performance Management System (SPMS) Orientation held on the first day of the CDA MIMAROPA Goal Setting and Planning Conference 2023. The conference was successfully launched by Ms. Irene D. Abu, CSC Senior Human Resource Specialist, and focused on the advantages of SPMS orientation, analysis of the effect of Target Setting and Planning Conferences on employee performance, and discussion of strategies for effective use of SPMS as a tool for achieving organizational goals.

An great venue for recognizing those who have excelled in their line of employment is provided by the CDA Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE). The Cooperative Development Authority MIMAROPA Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE) Committee has gathered to choose and honor the most deserving candidates to be nominated for the various Category Awards at the upcoming 2023 CDA PRAISE Awarding Ceremony.
A thorough selection process is used to determine the CDA PRAISE nominees. The selection committee’s job is to analyze the nominations and choose the top candidate after that.

February 7, 2023.
Marinduque. Calling the Hon. Marinduque Province Provincial Governor Presbitero J. Velasco Jr. with respect. Alberto A. Sabarias, Acting Regional Director of CDA MIMAROPA. The Marinduque Provincial Cooperative Development Officer, Mr. Troy Calvin Mercado, along with Sr. CDS Raul Evangelista, CDS II Edilberto Sager, and CDS II Cristian De Ade.
The meeting’s main goals were to introduce CDA MIMAROPA’s numerous programs and to forge solid alliances and partnerships to advance the cooperative’s growth throughout the province.

February 8, 2023.
𝐆𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐧, 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮𝐪𝐮𝐞. The CDA Marinduque Field Office held a Pre-Registration Seminar for six (6) Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs) at the Gasan Municipal Building in collaboration with the DAR-Marinduque Provincial Office.
The transformation of ARBOs into cooperatives enables them to welcome additional chances for growth and development and access more government assistance.

Oriental Mindoro. MAFDECO Naujan Satellite Office was formally inaugurated. The officers, employees, and members of the cooperative decided to change it from a satellite office to a branch after it had been running as one for six months.
The La Luce Building, Barcenaga, Naujan, Oriental Mindoro, is home to the Mansalay Agricultural & Fisheries Development Cooperative (MAFDECO) Satellite Office, which has recently opened as a BRANCH. Dir, the MAFDECO Chairperson Lindon C. Sabar, was in charge of organizing the momentous event.
Additionally, present to show their support for the cooperative were CDA MIMAROPA Acting Supervising CDS Lilia Buela, MICOOP Group Leader of NATCCO Ms. Ma Veronica V. Sierra, and DAR Representative Mr. Derk Lloyd Cabuhal.

February 9, 2022.
Occidental Mindoro. A Memorandum of Agreement Signing was held between the Cooperative Development Authority (represented by Acting Regional Director of CDA MIMAROPA Mr. Alberto A. Sabarias) and Occidental Mindoro State University – OMSU (represented by OMSU Vice President for Academic Affairs / OIC, Dr Norma B. Muyot, ChE, EdD) at the Occidental Mindoro State University Administration Office, Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro at 2:00 PM.
CDA and OMSU partnership is geared towards improving education and training of cooperatives in the country through the conduct of TOT for trainers of accredited CTPros and prospective applicants of CDA accreditation program.

February 8-10, 2023.
Romblon. For the three Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations—the Barangay CM Recto, Barangay Camandag, and Barangay Magsupot, Romblon—to become full pledge cooperatives, a three-day pre-registration seminar was held. Even though serving at the event could be exhausting, CDA MIMAROPA is very happy to do so.

February 9, 2023.
Marinduque. CDS II Cristian De Ade effectively led the pre-registration seminar for prospective cooperatives at the MDRMM office, Municipal Building, Torrijos, Marinduque, with the assistance of the Municipal Agricultural Reform Program Officer, Engr. Anton M. Llanes, 52 participants from three organizations that benefit from agrarian reform—the Sibuyao Pagkabuhayan Farmers Workers Association, the Malibago Upland Farmers Association, and the Maranlig CARP Association—attended the program.

February 10, 2023.
Marinduque. 90 participants from 6 ARBOs, such as the Pulong Parang Agrarian Reform Association, Baliis Farmers Community Association, Bongabong Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association, Dolores Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association, and Masalukot Handicrafts and Weavers Association, attended the pre-registration seminar at Barangay Pag-Asa in Santa Cruz, Marinduque. CDS II Cristian De Ade conducted the seminar in an effective manner.

Regional Office. The CDA provided technical assistance to the proposed cooperative, United Farmers and Irrigators Agriculture Cooperative, which has 15 members, the bulk of which are Palay Farmers and Irrigators from the City of Calapan. This included validating the application for registration.

Delivering Post-Registration Orientation and awarding Certificates of Registration and Compliance to the newly registered Amazing Fisherfolk of Puerto Galera Fishermen Cooperative from Poblacion, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro.

February 10, 2023. A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was inked recently between Cooperative Development Authority and Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Sablayan. The activity is in accordance with the partnership’s goal of strengthening cooperative education and training in the country through the conduct of TOT for qualified CTPro trainers and future CDA certification program applicants.
The MOA was signed by the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) Director at the Office of PUP Sablayan University, Asst. Prof. Leine S. Alcaraz and CDA MIMAROPA Acting Regional Director Mr. Alberto A. Sabaraias. Witnesses were CRITS Head Ms. Eva Loraine R. Cataje, CDS II of Occidental Mindoro Mr. Reyzard D. Oliveros, and University Research Extensionist Mr. Laurence. Cooperative leaders from the Municipality of Sablayan were also present including the Municipal Cooperative Development Officer Mr. Antonio Villanueva. According to a PUP representative, the lengthy wait is ended, and the cooperation between the two institutions is now giving the opportunity to perform TOT for authorized CT Pro trainers and potential CDA accreditation program applicants. For Sir Sabarias, this is an excellent start to a positive partnership between the CDA and the PUP.

CDA MIMAROPA Acting Regional Director Alberto A. Sabarias met with Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro Mayor Walter “Bong” B. Marquez and Municipal Cooperative Development Officer Mr. Antonio Villanueva in a courtesy call last February 10, 2023.
Mayor Bong and ARD Abet discussed matters on local administration as well as the progress of the cooperativism in the Municipality of Sablayan, where in for about 54 registered cooperatives 26 of them were active.
They also discussed a proposed training center for cooperatives to serve as a venue for the capacity development workshops and seminars for the cooperative members so they can better serve their co-members and improve coop service.

BARANGAY OFFICIALS’ COOPERATIVE ORIENTATION. Its intention is to facilitate and spread accurate information seamlessly up to the Barangay level, the Municipality of Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro, headed by Municipal Mayor Hon. Walter “Bong” Marquez with the appointed Municipal Cooperative Development Officer, Mr. Antonio Villanueva, in coordination with the Barangay Information Officers, and participated by the 22 Barangay Captains of the municipality, conducted the Cooperative Orientation of Barangay Captains on February 10, 2023 at Liga ng mga Barangay Hall, Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro.

February 14, 2023. Acting Regional Director Alberto A. Sabarias sent roses to CDA employees as a surprise on Valentine’s Day.

February 16, 2023. Launching of CDA MIMAROPA 1st Series of E-Koops Forum featuring the digiCOOP Technology Services Cooperative and Climbs Life and General Insurance Cooperative. Both cooperatives represented by Mr. Dennis Nice Geraldez, Area Manager of digiCOOP Technology Service Cooperative, and Ms. Kiersten Joy G. Bazon, Regional Sales Manager of Climbs Life and General Insurance Cooperative, introduced their products, services, and digital marketing strategies to all cooperatives in the region.
The forum was conducted as part of the support to all cooperatives in the region to be more efficient using modern technological solutions especially through e-commerce, mobile apps, Internet of Things.

February 17, 2023. Awarding of Certificate of Registration and Compliance to the newly registered Mangyan na Nagsisikap sa Gawang Yamang Maasahan Agriculture Cooperative (MANGYANMANACO) from Brgy. Bulusan, Calapan City, Oriental Mindoro. Following the awarding, the Registration Section headed by Senior CDS Ms. Lilia Buela, CDS II Edarlyn Ferranco Madali and CDS II Roxie Banaag-Santiago provided MANGYAMANACO Chairman Mr. Cadel Layda with post-registration orientation to guide the coop on what to do after securing their registration with the Authority.

Romblon. As part of the implementation of INFORMATION CARAVAN-Inter-Agencies of the Coconut Farmers and Industry Development Plan (CFIDP), goat dispersals of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish MPC for 34 coconut farmers beneficiaries in Ferrol, Romblon were given. The event was spearheaded by Hon. Mayor Christian L. Gervacio, St Vincent Cooperative Chairman Rev. Billy Gregorio and PCA representative Hazel Noche.

Palawan. Pre-Registration Seminar (PRS) was conducted by Acting Sr. CDS Marian Concepcion among the Citizens Crime Watch Special Task Force on February 18, 2023. The 38 volunteers aim to alleviate their present economic status and be able to support their group and continue preventing crimes in the City of Puerto Princesa and the Province of Palawan. They also believe that most of the crimes that happened were linked to poverty.

February 20, 2023. Awarding of Certificate of Registration and conduct of Post-Registration Orientation to the newly registered Matulatula Farmers and Vendors Agriculture Cooperative (MAFAVENACO) headed by CDA MIMAROPA Acting Supervising CDS Lilia Buela together with CDS II Roxanne Santiago, and CDS II Edarlyn Madali.

February 23, 2023. Awarding of Certificate of Recognition to Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro Municipal Cooperative Development Council after complying with the requirements pursuant to MC 2022-03, Guidelines on the Structure, Organization, and Operation of Cooperative Development Councils (CDCs). The awarding was spearheaded by Acting Supervising CDS Ms. Lilia Buela together with CRITS Head Ms. Eva Loraine Cataje.