A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was inked recently between Cooperative Development Authority and the State Universities and Colleges in Occidental Mindoro Province: the Occidental Mindoro State University (OMSU) and the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (PUP) Sablayan. The activity is in accordance with the partnership’s goal of strengthening cooperative education and training in the country through the conduct of Training of Trainers (ToT) for qualified CTPro trainers and future CDA certification program applicants.

In the 9th of February, 2023, Alberto A. Sabarias, Acting Regional Director, travelled immediately from Marinduque to Occidental Mindoro to carry out an important regional activity, one that would solidify the CDA’s partnership with the Occidental Mindoro State University (OMSU). The SUC organized a short program before the signing to legitimize the ceremony. The Cooperative Development Authority (represented by Acting Regional Director of CDA MIMAROPA Mr. Alberto A. Sabarias) and Occidental Mindoro State University – OMSU (represented by OMSU Vice President for Academic Affairs / OIC, Dr Norma B. Muyot, ChE, EdD) signed a Memorandum of Agreement at the Occidental Mindoro State University Administration Office, Labangan, San Jose, Occidental Mindoro.

February 10, 2023. The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed by the Officer-In-Charge (OIC) Director at PUP Sablayan University, Asst. Prof. Leine S. Alcaraz and Mr. Alberto A. Sabarias, Acting Regional Director of CDA MIMAROPA. Ms. Eva Loraine R. Cataje-Sr. CDS of CRITS, CDS II of Occidental Mindoro, Mr. Reyzard D. Oliveros, and University Research Extensionist Mr. Laurence were among those present. Municipal cooperative leaders, including Municipal Cooperative Development Officer Mr. Antonio Villanueva, were also present. According to a PUP official, the long wait is over, and the collaboration between the two institutions now allows approved CT Pro trainers and future CDA accreditation program applicants to do ToT. For Sir Sabarias, this is an excellent start to a fruitful collaboration.