Day 1: July 22, 2024 – A Determined Arrival
The CFIDP Year 3 Implementation team faced an extraordinary challenge as they embarked on their journey to Marinduque amidst the fury of Typhoon Carina. Torrential rain and gusting winds battered the island province, but the storm could not deter their mission. The team navigated through the adverse weather conditions; their resolve unwavering as they made their way to the provincial capital. Their arrival, though delayed, was a testament to their commitment to supporting the local coconut farmers.
Day 2: July 23, 2024 – A Star-Studded Pre-Registration Seminar
The second day marked a pivotal moment in the CFIDP initiative with the Pre-Registration Seminar in Balar Hotel & Spa, Balarin, Boac, Marinduque for the eleven Coconut Farmers’ Organizations (CFOs) transitioning into cooperatives. Despite the remnants of Typhoon Carina, the seminar proceeded with a sense of purpose and optimism. Governor Presbitero Velasco, Jr., a prominent advocate for coconut farmers, and Vice Governor Adeline “Lyn” Marciano Angeles graced the event, adding a touch of prestige and gravitas.

Governor Velasco’s presence was particularly significant. He shared his storied background as a Supreme Court Justice, highlighting his crucial role in approving the conversion of a 24-percent stake of the Philippine Coconut Producers Federation Inc. (Cocofed) in San Miguel Corp. from common to preferred shares. Velasco recounted the 16-page resolution he issued, which dismissed appeals from notable figures like former Senators Jovito Salonga and Wigberto Tañada, and former Vice President Teofisto Guingona III. The resolution, reaffirmed by the Court, emphasized that the conversion was advantageous to public interest and beneficial to both coconut farmers and the government.
Day 3: July 24, 2024 – Financial Management Seminar
The third day focused on empowering the local cooperatives through a comprehensive seminar on Financial Management. Held at the provincial conference center, the session was led by Ms. Eva Loraine R. Cataje, Sr. CDS of CRITS. The event was inaugurated with enthusiasm by Acting Regional Director Alberto A. Sabarias and Sr. CDS of CPDAS Mr. Jefhtee R. Panganiban. Their dynamic leadership and the warm reception from the attendees set a positive tone for the day.

Ms. Cataje’s session provided crucial insights into financial planning, budgeting, and resource management. The cooperatives, representing a broad spectrum of the province, engaged actively with the content, gaining valuable skills to manage their finances effectively. This training was essential for ensuring the sustainability and success of the newly established cooperatives.
Day 4: July 25, 2024 – Financial Literacy Training
Building on the previous day’s success, the fourth day featured an in-depth training session on Financial Literacy, once again led by Ms. Eva Loraine Cataje. This session delved into more specific aspects of financial literacy, including investment strategies, financial risk management, and personal finance. The training aimed to equip cooperative members with the knowledge necessary to make informed financial decisions and enhance their economic well-being.
Day 5: July 26, 2024 – Reflections and Future Prospects
As the week concluded, the fifth day was marked by a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. The cooperatives, now enriched with newfound skills and knowledge, prepared to return to their communities. The week’s activities had provided them with essential tools for financial management and literacy, setting a solid foundation for their future success.
The closing ceremony was a celebration of the progress made and the collaborative effort that drove the initiative. Participants and organizers reflected on the journey, acknowledging the challenges faced, particularly the impact of Typhoon Carina, and the achievements accomplished despite these obstacles. The cooperative members left with a renewed sense of hope and determination, ready to apply their learnings and contribute to the development of their industry and community.
The CFIDP Year 3 Implementation in Marinduque was a testament to resilience and dedication. Through severe weather and logistical challenges, the week’s activities underscored a collective commitment to empowering coconut farmers and fostering the growth of local cooperatives.