VIRAC, CATANDUANES – Advancing into the fruitful and productive observance of the cooperative month is an equally significant topic and training conducted by CDS II May Celestine S. Nery of Information and Communication Technologies Section (ICTS) of CDA RO5 as Resource Speaker and co-facilitated by CDS II Ophar June V. Dy of CDA Catanduanes at the Queen Maricel Inn, San Isidro Village, Virac, Catanduanes on Oct 12, 2023. The event is duly sponsored by Provincial Cooperative Development Council in partnership with Cooperative Union of Catanduanes and in collaboration with CDA Catanduanes Field Office.
Gender Sensitivity Training is aimed at developing a deeper understanding of the roles of women and men in society, increase the level of awareness on gender and development, and address gender-related issues in society particularly in the national government sector. Also, through this seminar/training participants would be able to know the tools and be able to familiarize with them in order to gauge or determine level of awareness, and how to come up with policies and programs for gender and development in their respective cooperative.

While gender equality refers to equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities that all persons should enjoy, regardless of whether one is born male or female, one of the highlights of the discussion is primarily to promote women’s empowerment and ensure that their full participation becomes essential in the society. It also focused on Gender Mainstreaming thru CDA MC 2013-22 or strategies for making women’s as well as men’s concerns and experiences an integral dimension of the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies programs and projects in all social, political, civil and economic spheres so that women and men benefit equally.
The GST is attended by 20 primary cooperatives composed of 50 cooperative leaders who are mostly members of GAD Committee, with 43 women and 7 men.
Truly it was a remarkable and full of learning day with the active participation of all participants that significantly improved the understanding of each cooperative member who had attended the auspicious event.
Download Article here: PCDC Catanduanes and Cooperative Union of Catanduanes in collaboration with CDA conducts GAD Training