2024 IS HERE!
The year that was 2023!!

Incoming 2024 comes with the hope for a better life and condition to everyone. As CDA Region 7 welcomes the year, all systems go – health, state of mind and the commitment to continuously deliver the output as government servants.
This promise of servitude to most Catholic personnel, is hailed to prayer to the Holy Child of Cebu, the Seṅor Sto. Niño. A tradition, the nine day novena is assigned to different sections, who took turns in leading the prayer and sponsoring snacks or meals as halad for thanksgiving. The ninth day is culminated, coupled with simple festivities where personnel had merry makings and partaking what is prepared, likewise, inviting clients on that day, to join them.
This year, as CDA 7 opens its doors to service, Pit Senyor!! is shouted to give tribute to all the blessings received.
Pit Senyor!! The call for guidance and protection to the CDA 7 family and our respective families as we face another year of challenges and endeavors.
By: Gracia Nenita B. Banogon