THE JOURNEY HAS BEGUN by Director Nora P. Patron

The cluster with the biggest population in Region VII   commenced its business meeting last June 7, 2021. The Regional Cluster Organization (RCO) under the Finance Cluster conducted the first organizational meeting via zoom platform and the physical presence of some participants and guests.

In attendance to the meeting were the duly elected officers of RCO and the pillars of the Cooperative Development Authority headed by the Chairman, Undersecretary Joseph B. Encabo together with the Cluster Head, Assistant Secretary Vidal D. Villanueva III, and CDA Regional Director, Dr. Nora P. Patron and personnel.

Great things start from small beginnings. The short meeting of the RCO officers resulted to the passing of two resolutions to the policy makers of the Authority.   Firstly, the concern that would address the needs of the micro and small cooperatives and enhance the adoption of the Big Brother-Small Brother Program of the Agency. And, secondly, to review the recent advisory on annual due collections of the federations from its primary affiliates.

The officers of the Cluster in Region VII are very grateful to the support of the Cooperative Development Authority in the installation of the organization. Likewise, the advancement of a mechanism that will truly represent the partnership and strong collaboration between the cooperatives as the private sector and the Cooperative Development Authority representing the government.

There are more concerns to address in the next meetings and more productive results to be gained. Region VII began the first step and more steps to come.

Congratulations everyone!