CDA-CAR Extension Office Building, Pico-Lamtang Rd., Longlong, Puguis, La Trinidad, Benguet 2601


Highlighting the importance of shifting perspectives, cultivating a change in mindsets, promoting greater youth inclusion in the cooperative sector, and advocating for cooperative mergers and consolidations, these are the central themes championed by the newly appointed Chairman of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA), Undersecretary Alexander B. Raquepo, during his visit to the CDA-Cordillera Administrative Region Extension Office (CDA-CAR EO) on March 13, 2025.

With an impressive track record of achievements and a wealth of experience in the cooperative sector, Chairman Raquepo emphasizes the pivotal role that cooperatives play in steering the direction of the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA). He reiterates the fundamental principle that the CDA exists to serve cooperatives, framing this as a crucial guide for decision-making bodies to ensure that cooperatives and their members remain at the forefront of policy development by the Authority and its partner agencies. While acknowledging that progress may take time, he is confident that these efforts will cultivate a more inclusive environment that benefits both cooperatives and regulatory agencies alike.

Furthermore, the Chairman made a strong commitment to enhancing the skills and expertise within the Authority, particularly in relation to its regulatory, developmental, and adjudicatory functions. By reinforcing its regulatory capabilities, he emphasized that a culture of discipline will be fostered among cooperatives, ensuring greater accountability and adherence to established standards.  In the same manner, through the developmental function cooperatives will be equipped with necessary knowledge relative to cooperative operations.

To streamline and strengthen the services offered by cooperatives, mergers and consolidations are strongly encouraged. This approach will facilitate the pooling of resources, enabling cooperatives to achieve greater financial stability and operational efficiency. By consolidating resources, cooperatives will not only enhance their capacity to sustain long-term operations but also improve their ability to meet regulatory requirements and adapt to evolving market demands. Ultimately, this will empower cooperatives to deliver more impactful services to their members and contribute more effectively to the development of the broader community.

During his visit, Chairman Raquepo also graced the 2nd  Regional Gender and Development Summit held at Baguio City and attended a meeting with officers and management staff of the Northern Luzon Federation of Cooperatives and Development Center (NORLUCEDEC).

-Mark Erick E. Menzi