L/G Floor, Edsa Grand Residences, No. 75 Corregidor Street, Corner EDSA, Barangay Ramon Magsaysay, Quezon City 1105

1st Compliance Forum and Enhanced Handholding Caravan at Makati City

1st Compliance Forum and Enhanced Handholding Caravan at Makati City

The Cooperative Development Authority – National Capital Region Extension Office (CDA-NCR EO) conducted its 1st Compliance Forum and Enhanced Handholding Caravan last March 4, 2025, from 8AM to 5PM at the 2nd Floor Function Area, Barangay Carmona Complex, Makati City. This was in coordination with the Makati City Local Government Unit (LGU) through the Makati City Cooperative Development Office (CDO) headed by Ms. Vivian G. Gabriel together with her staff and in partnership with the Union of Primary Cooperatives of Makati (UPCM), Cooperative Development Council of Makati (CDCM) and the Federation of Makati Cooperatives (FEMACO). This event served as a ONE-STOP-SHOP leading towards securing a Certificate of Compliance (COC) at the end of the day.

The employees of CDA-NCR EO, headed by Regional Director Pedro T. Defensor, Jr., the pool of bookkeepers and Licensed Accountants (from ACDI MPC), assisted more than 20 cooperatives in the preparation of their Financial Statements.

In the end, they successfully submitted their reports and earned their Certificate of Compliance (COC).

The Handholding Caravan Team expressed their gratefulness and appreciation for the usual support provided so generously by the Makati City LGU and CDO.

Prepared and Submitted By:

Developmental CDS – Makati City