L/G Floor, Edsa Grand Residences, No. 75 Corregidor Street, Corner EDSA, Barangay Ramon Magsaysay, Quezon City 1105

Forum on Cooperative Taxation Explores Financial Advantages for Paranaque City Cooperatives

Sucat, Parañaque City – On May 18 and 19, 2023, a Forum on Cooperative Taxation was held at Max’s Restaurant in Sucat, Parañaque City. Attended by 29 cooperatives from the City of Paranaque, the event brought together 72 participants eager to explore the intricacies of taxation and its potential financial advantages for their organizations.

The two-day forum, organized by the Paranaque Cooperative Development Office (PCDO) aimed to provide cooperatives with a comprehensive understanding of tax regulations, exemptions, and incentives. With a strong emphasis on helping cooperatives navigate the complexities of taxation, the event sought to empower these entities to maximize their financial benefits while fulfilling their social responsibilities.

Prominent speaker, Mr. Carlos C. Samson shared valuable insights on various topics, including tax compliance, and available tax incentives for cooperatives. The discussions delved into the intricacies of tax laws and how they specifically apply to cooperative structures, ensuring that participants gained in-depth knowledge tailored to their organizations’ needs.

Ms. Josephine N. Salomon, the Head of Paranaque CDO, emphasized the importance of such forums in advancing the cooperative movement. “Cooperatives play a vital role in community development, and equipping them with knowledge on taxation is crucial for their financial sustainability. The PCDO is committed to supporting cooperatives, and events like this will continue to be an integral part of our initiatives,” she stated.


About the Paranaque City Cooperative Development Office (PCDO):

The PCDO is the local government agency responsible for promoting and developing the cooperative sector within Paranaque City. Led by Ms. Josephine N. Salomon, the PCDO envisions empowered cooperatives contributing to the city’s progress and creating a positive impact on the lives of its residents.