
The 7th episode of Koops eForum held on September 8, 2020 was graced with the presence of Usec. Orlando...
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As the lead agency in the development and regulation of cooperatives, the Cooperative Development Authority (CDA) conducted an online...
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The activity is in line with the primordial objective of enhancing the delivery services by improving the registration system...
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Please be informed that our online systems (Coopris and CAPRIS) are currently undergoing emergency technical maintenance until further notice. ...
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On August 28, 2020 at 1:00 P.M., a webinar/forum sponsored by the Youth Affairs Office of the City of...
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In line with the Authority’s migration of data from the existing registration system to the Electronic Cooperative Registration Information...
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“With a firm collective belief that cooperativism is the countervailing force against poverty, hunger, deep inequality, decline in social...
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In view of the continuing threat of the COVID 19 virus and the CDA’S desire to protect its clients...
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