As requested by the various cooperatives in the province, an Orientation on the Registration and Operation of Federations and Unions was conducted on January 26, 2023 in partnership with the Office of the Office of the Provincial Agriculturist – IN. The activity was especially requested by the participants as they have already undertaken initial steps in organizing themselves into a bigger group. As revealed during the meeting, they would like to be enlightened as to the nature, functions and requirements of both organizations for them to make an informed decision.
In this light, Cooperative Research, Information & Training Section personnel, Van F. Enriquez & Renee Faye DG. Cariño presented and discussed CDA MC 2022-24 (Guidelines Governing the Registration and Operation of Federations of Cooperatives) CDA MC 2022-23 (Guidelines Governing the Registration and Operation of Cooperative Unions) respectively in the INAFEC Conference Hall, Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.
They explained the distinctions and similarities of a Federation and Union. Fundamentally, a union’s activity is geared towards advocacy, while a federation’s activity is more of in support of the business activities of its member-affiliates. Although both organizations may provide training services for its membership.
It was attended and enthusiastically participated by eighteen cooperative leaders in the area wherein their cooperatives are engaged in diversified business activities. The highlight of the activity was the open forum in which each and every one was given the opportunity to ask questions and give their comments and suggestion. Towards the end of the meeting, it was agreed that they shall convene their respective membership to discuss the ideas and ultimately decide therein. (Renee Faye DG. Cariño)